English ManualΒΆ
- Introduction to lepg
- Pre-Processor data
- Pre-Processor cells distribution
- Basic data
- Geometry
- Airfoils
- Anchor points
- Rib holes
- Skin tension
- Seewing allowances
- Marks (Seewing marcage)
- Estimating general Angle of Attack
- Lines
- Lines characteristics
- Brakes
- Ramification
- Diagonal ribs
- Colors upper sail
- Colors lower sail
- Additional rib points
- Elastic lines correction
- DXF Layer names
- Mark types
- Joncs definition
- Nose mylars
- 2D DXF options
- 3D DXF options
- Glue vent
- Special wing tip
- Calage variation
- 3D shaping
- Airfoil thickness
- New skin tension
- Parts separation
- Detailed Risers
- Pre- and processor output
- Solve Equilibrium Equations
- Create File for XFLR5 analysis
- Special Parameters
- Wing outline
- 2D DXF viewer
- Wing outline
- Language configuration
- Configure the locations of both processors
- Configure the update checker